Thursday, January 27, 2011
State of the Nation...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Illusion Part Deux
Before heading up to the Steamboat Springs area, we spent a couple days in surprisingly warm and sunny Denver, the highlight of which for me was Casa Bonita. Casa Bonita is notorious for its substandard Mexican food, but sells itself on its dinner show. It has an elaborate cliff diving pool surrounded by “jungle” and lights, as well as a haunted cave, puppet shows, etc. What makes it special to me is that when I was a kid, my folks would pack me and my sister into our little two door Honda hatchback and make the LONG drive from Lawrence, Kansas, to Sun City, Arizona (God have mercy), to spend the holidays with the grandparents. Along the way, our tradition was to stop in Denver for dinner at Casa Bonita! The same show (and apparently the same food) is now being enjoyed by my little man! Kinda cool…J
Okay, just when you thought you would get off easy, I am going to devote some time to the conversation started in my last post: reality vs. illusion. My friend advocates illusion--this time, let's talk reality. I find it hard to believe that life is just a series of illusions we create for ourselves, if only because what do you call those moments between our created illusions. I am of the belief that there is such a thing as reality, but that it takes courage and strength to live within it. Reality is not an easy thing to face, because it means acknowledging how our perceptions can disagree with the perceptions of those around us. It requires taking responsibility for our actions and how they truly affect others. My friend, a brilliant psychiatrist, says that you can't really affect others unless they choose to be affected. The reality is, you don't know who chooses to be affected by you. You can be under the illusion that no one is affected, or that it doesn't matter, but that is not reality. Ah-ha! See, they are different, reality and illusion...It takes a degree of integrity to acknowledge reality, take it into consideration, and STILL build your own happiness (which assumedly was the goal of your illusion). Living in illusion might be easy but does not seem to take much courage...So, have some cajones, a vote for reality from me...;)
And from Great Falls, Montana, I bid you goodnight...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Life is but a dream, sweetheart...
GeoTagged, [N34.26903, E118.66431]
I have just spent four lovely January days in sunny, WARM, southern California, hanging with family. The economy is tough and stressors are magnified, but these people I love are still amazing and I am happy to see them. My cousin's daughter is a year a half, head full of curly hair, mouth full of teeth, and a wonderful cheesy smile! She is still so tiny, which is nice because I don't feel like she has changed so much since I saw her at Thanksgiving. My three year old godson, however, I haven't seen since July and he has changed tremendously. He gets on the phone and holds a conversation, ending it with "I love you, Auntie Shi Shi!", and I am ready to give him whatever he wants--my car, a kidney, whatever! Something about those kids...they diffuse my self-centered, self-indulging tendencies, AND make me feel secure. Yes, they make me secure, because as long as they exist, hope and innocence and unconditional love exist, and something in the world is right...
Okay, now that is not the main reason for today's posting, for me to go on about how children enrich my life. No, I want to finally put down an ongoing conversation about life's relationship to illusion and reality. This conversation started between myself and a good friend several years ago, and ultimately is the reason for the name of this blog--translates "I only want the truth". I can't remember the exact moment but a bottle of wine was involved and it started along these lines: my friend firmly believes that life is but a series of illusions we create for ourselves to make life tolerable, if not enjoyable. He states that there is no reality, nothing is real, and if it was, we couldn't handle it without losing our minds (enter Jack Nicholson voice "you can't handle the truth!"). Therefore, he believes you have to live in only the moment, not thinking as to how it may relate to other moments because they don't relate, it is just an illusion that they are related...hmmm, chew on that a, seriously, think about it because I have to end this post and counter it later, otherwise I will miss my plane to Denver to deliver my godson the boat he requested. Safe travels, all...;)
Friday, January 14, 2011
On the road again!
Monday, January 10, 2011
In the name of hope...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
GeoTagged, [N37.76282, E122.39640]
Okay, let's try this again...darn blog already erased itself once this morning!
So, I am in heaven...I am spending the morning in one of my favorite cities in the world, San Francisco, after having dinner last night with an old friend. Great conversation at Beetlenut over small plates and gin gimlets...fantastic! Admittedly my head is pounding this morning and my body is sore from crashing on the couch, but well worth it! Today, my friend is off to work and I am having breakfast from Hazels and coffee from Farleys on Portrero Hill...I'm in heaven...each day into this new year I feel more blessed and more alive, truer to myself, stronger than any force of nature! Maybe those are the workouts talking ;).
Anyway, my friend and I had this great convo on life, etc., that I hope to share, but right now, time to head home, get a medmal policy in place, and do my first proctoring job in LA tomorrow! Life is soooo good! :))