Sunday, June 5, 2011
As I awoke in the arms of my sweetheart...
GeoTagged, [S39.06716, W177.79890]
Admittedly I am so sleepy this morning. Yesterday we made the hour drive down to Mahia, a peninsula south of Gisborne, for the celebration of a young woman's birthday. Charlotte is the sister of my sweetie's friend, a beautiful girl with a big smile and what seems a bigger heart. Yesterday was her 21st birthday and I had the privilege of partaking in the observance. Two dozen family and friends surrounded her and shared stories and love. She is part Maori, and that tradition was prominent in the day, an educational treat for me as a visitor. There was kye (food), drink, speeches, song, a lovely celebration that continued past the striking sunset, on and on until the orange moon rose above the horizon. The night was chilly and more layers of clothing added to keep the porch hospitable. Finally, tired from a long day, we moved to mattresses put out by the hostess and huddled together to stay warm. All in all a very special night. This morning we were awake by dawn, and drove down to the beach to scout seashells while we watched the sunrise. This place, this country, this ocean...truly amazing, truly beautiful...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
This must be what heaven looks like...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Met my neighbors this week, Carlee and Tim, two pilots newly relocated from Christchurch starting work in Gisborne. They have a very interesting story. They actually worked in Africa for 3 years flying there, training for triathlons, until a severe bike meets car accident sent them home. They graced my home last night and tolerated my cooking, which I very much appreciated. I also got a kick out of telling them about the town, me giving advice to newcomers. Becky would be proud--I've come so far in one week!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Getting to know Gizzy...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hello, loved ones! A quick post at this stop before heading to my final destination...
Monday, March 14, 2011
I am a Tough Mudder!
After 3 days in Atlanta, I am headed back to Sacramento for the last time before my trip to New Zealand, having accomplished the last of my "time off" goals: with the help of a great team, I competed in and completed Georgia's Tough Mudder race on Saturday!!! Over thirteen miles of mud running, obstacles, and straight forward HELL! I can't even sugar coat this--I am so happy that all of the people I tried to talk into this refused my offer, otherwise I would feel great guilt for their pain...The race started off normally, about 100 racers in our heat taking off after the national anthem, trotting through the woods, smiling, joking, anticipating. Then we hit our first obstacle, a cold river we had to wade across twice--no biggy, invigorating. Next, crawling hands and knees through pipes partially submerged in water that the twisted course designers ADDED ICE CUBES TO! Did I mention it was only 55 degrees at that time? But the adrenaline was pumping and we were doing this thing. The next two miles were intermittent hills and obstacles, obstacles including crawling under barbed wire, a water filled smoke house, through mud under nets, climbing steep mud hills, and others I can't remember. Then started the endless miles (seven, i think) through the woods up and down steep trail hills with tight switchbacks, so steep that the 4x4 aid vehicles couldn't have traversed them. I passed many, including two twenty something guys in tutus (the doublemint twins were my favorites) and was passed by many, including a woman twenty years my senior. Somewhere in there was a log carry. My left knee started to protest at mile 7, And when I arrived at the log carry, none of my teammates was around to share the weight with. Not much I could do, I picked one up and shuffled the quarter mile mandated, then dropped it and hit the hills again. I'm not going to lie, I really wanted to quit. After the woods was still four more miles of obstacles, including climbing over walls, greased monkey bars, smoke filled fire lined run, balance beam, a death march over more hills, and then a repeat of the first two mile loop, holy shit. After mile 10, I couldn't run anymore, my knee and hips hurt so badly. When we finally got to the last two challenges, I was so giddy to see the finish line, I didn't care anymore and certainly had no fear, which was good considering what these challenges were. First, run up a thirty foot platform (God, I hate heights), then jump in the freezing lake below and swim to the far shore. The key? Don't stop to think, something I seem to do well these days. ;). So I do this and come up for air after jumping in the lake. Problem. Water in my nose, and then in my mouth as the displaced lake water went in with my first breath. I kept trying to cough and clear my airway while paddling to stay above water, unsuccessfully. :(. Remember, this is the end of the race--I'm exhausted and this is not good. Finally, one of the lifeguards tosses me a rope and pulls me to shore. At that point, there was no macho part of me that would refuse that rope! I get to shore, and the finish line is right there...I just have to run through twenty feet of hanging electrical wire first! I am now shivering cold, starving, dehydrated, hit my wall three or four miles ago, so I just start to run, no thinking. After the first few shocks though I just froze in the midst of the wires, I couldn't take it anymore. "Go, go!" people shouted, and my last push got me across the finish. It was so demanding I just wanted to cry... It took me thirty minutes to stop shivering violently. Our entire team finished, including a team member who twisted his knee after mile one, our time just over four hours. We were later told that this was the toughest Tough Mudder yet. Part of me actually felt a sense of failure at the time because I did want to quit at the end and by then it was no longer fun for me. Today, I realize exactly what I accomplished, what fears I overcame, what pain I pushed through and I am proud to be a 37 year old Tough Mudder chic! And I was so glad to do it with such a great team--the people of "Kick A$$, Take Names" are the best! I am looking forward to sharing this experience with them again for the Tampa TM in December! That is if I can ever walk again--still a little gimpy today.;). For more details, "Like" Tough Mudder on Facebook and see the photos from the event. And call me if you are crazy enough to join us for the next one!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Home again...
GeoTagged, [N25.78598, E80.28164]
Well, MIA has complete another successful medical mission in Jamaica focusing on gyn and primary care. Yesterday was supposed to be the last day in clinic, a clinic originally scheduled for Thursday. Because of a mix up, that wasn't going to work. In order to meet the need, the four team members remaining, 2 docs, a pharm D, and a non medical person, volunteered our day off (Friday) to go to this clinic and see patients. We were in the van, halfway there, when the community leader called our driver and turned us around. Apparently there had a been a shooting over night and because of the risk of retaliation, we were asked to stay out for our own safety. Unfortunate, but now we really had the day off! Our hostess graciously volunteered to drive us over the mountains up north to Annato Bay. There we visited Sommerset falls, a waterfall frequented by locals, and visited the somewhat rocky beach. Finally some sun! Returning to Kingston we were treated to more homemade Jamaican fare (jerk chicken and stew peas!). After dinner we went to a playhouse in New Kingston, where we saw a really funny murder mystery. The character actors were over the top! And there were several memorable lines that I'm sure we will repeat for a time to come ("Della, don't touch me there!"). And that was the finale. This morning it was up at 4am and off to the airport...
So here I am in Miami, almost done with a long layover. But before we jump to the flight, let me tell you about my fun here. ;)
I arrived very motivated to get some exercise, so I googled nearby gyms and took a cab to the closest. After being dropped off, I realized it was closed, so I walked half a mike to the next one, carrying my 20 pound backpack in the Miami heat. No luck, another one closed. So I gave it one more try, this time going a mile and a half on foot, only to be disappointed again. BTW, the app "dex" is NOT up to date in its search! So I gave up, and just as I was about to call a cab, my eyes set upon a small weekend farmers market going on across the street. Having plenty of time and loving being outside the airport for this long wait, I headed over. That was the right choice! There were all kinds of food, vegetables, produce, restaurant fare...I picked out a $0.50 homemade chocolate chip cookie and a BBQ pulled chicken sandwich for $5 and my lunch was set! Super nice people, too. So if you are ever in Coral Gables on a Saturday I highly recommend it...
Now back to the trip travels to everyone as always!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Medicine in Action...
GeoTagged, [N18.04594, E76.78646]
Jamaica, February 2011. The team has been here since last Friday, I arrived Sunday morning and spent the first three days in the OR. We've done a total of 22 major cases (hysterectomies, oophorectomies, myomectomies, pelvic floor repair). Many of these women have waited over 2 years for their surgeries and as a result they have significant pathology. 14 cm fibroids, 24-28 week size uteri. No malignancies so far, thank goodness. The clinic team has been seeing 40-60 patients a day in our make shift clinics. No OB on this trip. Today and tomorrow is clinic only, then back to the states. During these trips we stay at a convent in Constant Spring, an area of Kingston heading up to the mountains. The rooms are clean and comfortable with ceiling fans that mimic hurricane winds. Hot showers later in the day, we prepare our breakfast and lunch in a small kitchen at the end of the hall. Dinner is usually brought in for us but Last night we had a real treat--Dr. O, an MFM from Miami took us to Devon House for dinner where we had Jamaican favorites such as curried chicken, and escovitch. Every time I've made this trip, the group has been so much fun to spend time with and get to know. So many interesting stories! The Milner family that has done missions in India and Alaska, Dr. O who has done City of Hope and worked with groups in Africa and Afghanistan, Pablo who works in environmental education, David who does locums on Indian reservations in the southwest US...all of them are such great and generous people, God bless them...
I am truly humbled and motivated to contribute more due to their selfless examples. And, as always, a trip to the third world makes me appreciate what I have in my world! A blessed day to everyone :-)
Monday, February 21, 2011
The art of doing nothing...
So, at this moment I have arrived in Kingston and I am waiting at the home base for the rest of the MIA team to arrive. I am happy to see old faces and meet new ones, including finally meeting Debbie Chong who help to found the group. I am so impressed by what she has done with this organization. I don’t know yet what the schedule will be like for the week, but I am hoping for some OR time. All of my proctoring but not laying hands on a patient has made me itchy for direct patient contact and care, especially in the OR. Still, the point is to fill a need, so I go where they tell me. In the meantime, I am readying myself for the culinary delights of the trip: jerk chicken, festival bread, juicy patties, Devon House ice cream, super yum! A year and a half ago when I first came down here, I had no idea what all of that meant, but now I am well versed in Jamaican treats! Did I mention the rum and Red Stripe? ;)
Okay, I am off to do SOMETHING!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Oh, sh#t, I missed the chicken run!
Okay, okay, no idealistic political commentary, I promise. And I will save my diatribe on how healthcare is by necessity a socialist entity for another blog. Today's is just fun...mostly. So, I first started skiing when I was 21, and my maiden voyage was a Christmas holiday in Breckenridge, Colorado with my sister, and my good friend Taylor. We were there as guests of her family, and it was one of the best trips ever! I learned to ski, and despite being responsible for 100% of me and 25% of Taylor's dad--inside joke, but very funny if you know it ;)--I didn't break anything. I did, however, develop a health respect for the face of a mountain, specifically the steep face. :( After that I made a couple trips in college (does Michigan really count as skiing, though?). Flash forward to 2009, when after living in Tahoe's backyard for several years, I decided I needed to get back on the slopes. So, started heading up to Sierra at Tahoe on days off, and who would believe it, practice does pay off! I'm not saying I'm the next Peekaboo Street, but I was pleased at the progress. So along comes 2010, and I make it out to Steamboat Springs for a godson visit, and I am ready to hit the slopes. I am ready to show off my skills! Look at me, I can ski! Yeah, I was pretty annoying. So head up the mountain, fun day of skiing, and now it is time to come down. Now, this mountain actually has a gondola that takes you down. Of course, I am the big shot skier, and I don't need the gondola, do I? Wrongggooo. I got to the lip of the run and I looked down at the steepest face I have ever seen, I swear! I started down the run, making it two feet before wiping out, admittedly terrified. The fact that I started to slide down the mountain sitting on my skis did not help. I managed to stop, but I couldn't get up without sliding again. I looked back up at the top and it seemed too far to climb to, and was doing my best not to look down. I wanted to cry, I was so scared. So I did...cry that is, for about a minute. Then I took a deep breath, pushed myself up, focused and slowly finished the job. I don't think that makes me special or gives me any fortitude, but it did prepare me for the next time something like that happened. Which was yesterday. Me, skiing at Red Lodge in Montana, last run of the day. I had taken the second lift to the top of the mountain and they had just closed the ski lift behind me. Okay, maybe not the best idea given that I seem to be barely above novice, but one of the lift operators told me there was a nice groomed blue run that could get me down. Well, I totally missed it. One minute there was a sign for it, next minute, I am heading down moguls on my first diamond run, EVER. Oh, how I envy those who make it look easy... Once again, I am starting down the run slowly (don't look down, don't look down), and of course wipe out. This would not have been a big deal--I've done this before, right? Focused and slow, focused and slow--except, the ski patrol was coming down the mountain behind me, making sure everyone is off. How embarrassing! Here, in my finest hour (whatever!), I am being escorted down the mountain by two ski patrolmen who are watching my ski, fall, get up, ski, fall, get up, all the way down this run, probably thinking "What a stupid novice! She should know better.." In my defense, I didn't fall too many more times, and the view alone made it all worth while... amazing, big sky country... :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
State of the Nation...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Illusion Part Deux
Before heading up to the Steamboat Springs area, we spent a couple days in surprisingly warm and sunny Denver, the highlight of which for me was Casa Bonita. Casa Bonita is notorious for its substandard Mexican food, but sells itself on its dinner show. It has an elaborate cliff diving pool surrounded by “jungle” and lights, as well as a haunted cave, puppet shows, etc. What makes it special to me is that when I was a kid, my folks would pack me and my sister into our little two door Honda hatchback and make the LONG drive from Lawrence, Kansas, to Sun City, Arizona (God have mercy), to spend the holidays with the grandparents. Along the way, our tradition was to stop in Denver for dinner at Casa Bonita! The same show (and apparently the same food) is now being enjoyed by my little man! Kinda cool…J
Okay, just when you thought you would get off easy, I am going to devote some time to the conversation started in my last post: reality vs. illusion. My friend advocates illusion--this time, let's talk reality. I find it hard to believe that life is just a series of illusions we create for ourselves, if only because what do you call those moments between our created illusions. I am of the belief that there is such a thing as reality, but that it takes courage and strength to live within it. Reality is not an easy thing to face, because it means acknowledging how our perceptions can disagree with the perceptions of those around us. It requires taking responsibility for our actions and how they truly affect others. My friend, a brilliant psychiatrist, says that you can't really affect others unless they choose to be affected. The reality is, you don't know who chooses to be affected by you. You can be under the illusion that no one is affected, or that it doesn't matter, but that is not reality. Ah-ha! See, they are different, reality and illusion...It takes a degree of integrity to acknowledge reality, take it into consideration, and STILL build your own happiness (which assumedly was the goal of your illusion). Living in illusion might be easy but does not seem to take much courage...So, have some cajones, a vote for reality from me...;)
And from Great Falls, Montana, I bid you goodnight...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Life is but a dream, sweetheart...
GeoTagged, [N34.26903, E118.66431]
I have just spent four lovely January days in sunny, WARM, southern California, hanging with family. The economy is tough and stressors are magnified, but these people I love are still amazing and I am happy to see them. My cousin's daughter is a year a half, head full of curly hair, mouth full of teeth, and a wonderful cheesy smile! She is still so tiny, which is nice because I don't feel like she has changed so much since I saw her at Thanksgiving. My three year old godson, however, I haven't seen since July and he has changed tremendously. He gets on the phone and holds a conversation, ending it with "I love you, Auntie Shi Shi!", and I am ready to give him whatever he wants--my car, a kidney, whatever! Something about those kids...they diffuse my self-centered, self-indulging tendencies, AND make me feel secure. Yes, they make me secure, because as long as they exist, hope and innocence and unconditional love exist, and something in the world is right...
Okay, now that is not the main reason for today's posting, for me to go on about how children enrich my life. No, I want to finally put down an ongoing conversation about life's relationship to illusion and reality. This conversation started between myself and a good friend several years ago, and ultimately is the reason for the name of this blog--translates "I only want the truth". I can't remember the exact moment but a bottle of wine was involved and it started along these lines: my friend firmly believes that life is but a series of illusions we create for ourselves to make life tolerable, if not enjoyable. He states that there is no reality, nothing is real, and if it was, we couldn't handle it without losing our minds (enter Jack Nicholson voice "you can't handle the truth!"). Therefore, he believes you have to live in only the moment, not thinking as to how it may relate to other moments because they don't relate, it is just an illusion that they are related...hmmm, chew on that a, seriously, think about it because I have to end this post and counter it later, otherwise I will miss my plane to Denver to deliver my godson the boat he requested. Safe travels, all...;)
Friday, January 14, 2011
On the road again!
Monday, January 10, 2011
In the name of hope...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
GeoTagged, [N37.76282, E122.39640]
Okay, let's try this again...darn blog already erased itself once this morning!
So, I am in heaven...I am spending the morning in one of my favorite cities in the world, San Francisco, after having dinner last night with an old friend. Great conversation at Beetlenut over small plates and gin gimlets...fantastic! Admittedly my head is pounding this morning and my body is sore from crashing on the couch, but well worth it! Today, my friend is off to work and I am having breakfast from Hazels and coffee from Farleys on Portrero Hill...I'm in heaven...each day into this new year I feel more blessed and more alive, truer to myself, stronger than any force of nature! Maybe those are the workouts talking ;).
Anyway, my friend and I had this great convo on life, etc., that I hope to share, but right now, time to head home, get a medmal policy in place, and do my first proctoring job in LA tomorrow! Life is soooo good! :))